
🌱 Install

First you need to install the necessary libraries for your application.

#works with a single command$npm i -g gitoq

πŸš€ Quick start

Start the process of synchronizing, managing and deploying your passwords using the Quick Start Guide:

#login your gitoq account$gitoq login

That's it. Now you need to connect your project. Be careful that your project changes every time you run this command.

#connect your project to your local workspace$gitoq connect

After connecting the project we will create an env.gitoq.lock file to track the project. you can commit and push your env.gitoq.lock file safely to a version controller like git.

Now you can get the latest changes of your main env (by default development) :

#get changes of env to local workspace$gitoq pull

If you don't have the ENV file, we'll create it for you and monitor your changes. Be careful, if it already exists, we'll change its content. (You can change it before running this command to send your ENV first)

#set changes of local workspace to env$gitoq push

⭐ Note: Our intention regarding the file ENV is the file .env or .env.local. We will create one of them for you based on their presence in your source code (priority is given to .env).

πŸ‘½ Manage Multiple Environments

After you've pushed your ENV file, gitoq automatically sets up your main env. Manage multiple environments with the included UI or :

#set local workspace changes to preferred env$gitoq push -l

Would you also like to pull your envs to your local workspace? Run the command:

#get desired env changes to the local workspace$gitoq pull -l

πŸ“– Commands

$gitoq --help


login your gitoq account.


$gitoq login


If you're using multiple devices, make sure to logout to protect your privacy.


$gitoq logout


Connect your project to your local workspace.


$gitoq connect


[Token] : Connect your project directly to your local workspace

$gitoq connect Token


Cancel access to the project from the local workspace.


$gitoq disconnect


Set changes of local workspace to env.


$gitoq push


-l, --list : Set local workspace changes to preferred env.

$gitoq push -l


Get changes of env to local workspace.


$gitoq pull


-l, --list : Get desired env changes to the local workspace.

$gitoq pull -l

If you have any questions, we recommend visiting the FAQ page.